Data of a Given Property For All Elements

Atomic # Symbol Name Origin of Name
1HHydrogenFrom the Greek "hydro, - genes", meaning "water + begetter"
2HeHeliumFrom the Greek "helios", meaning "sun"
3LiLithiumFrom the Greek "lithos", meaning "stone"
4BeBerylliumFrom the Sanskrit "beryllos", meaning "a blue-green spar"
5BBoronFrom the Persian "buraq"
6CCarbonFrom the Latin "charbone", meaning "charcoal"
7NNitrogenFrom the Greek "nitrum, -genes", meaning "native-soda begetter"
8OOxygenFrom the Greek "oxy geinomai", meaning "to bring forth acid"
9FFluorineFrom the Latin "fluor", meaning "a flowing"
10NeNeonFrom the Greek "neos", meaning "new"
11NaSodiumFrom the English "soda"
12MgMagnesiumNamed after the Greek "Magnesia"
13AlAluminumFrom the Latin "alumen", meaning "bitter salt"
14SiSiliconFrom the Latin "silex, -icis", meaning "flint"
15PPhosphorusFrom the Greek "phos + -phoros", meaning "light-bearer"
16SSulfurFrom the Sanskrit "sufra", meaning "yellow"
17ClChlorineFrom the Greek "chloros", meaning "pale green"
18ArArgonFrom the Greek "argon", meaning "inactive"
19KPotassiumFrom the Modern Latin "potassa", meaning "pot-ash"
20CaCalciumFrom the Greek "calx", meaning "limestone"
21ScScandiumFrom the Latin "Scandia", meaning "Scandinavia"
22TiTitaniumFrom the Greek "Titan", meaning "Earth"
23VVanadiumFrom the Old Norse "Vanadis", meaning "Dís of the Vanir"
24CrChromiumFrom the Greek "chroma", meaning "color"
25MnManganeseFrom the Greek "Magnhsia", meaning "Magnesia"
26FeIronFrom the Anglo-Saxon "isern", meaning "strong metal"
27CoCobaltFrom the German "Kobold", meaning "evil spirit"
28NiNickelFrom the Swedish "Kopparnickel", meaning "copper-coloured ore"
29CuCopperFrom the Greek "Kyprios", meaning "which is from Cyprus"
30ZnZincFrom the German "Zink", meaning "Cornet"
31GaGalliumFrom the Latin "Gallia", meaning "Gaul"
32GeGermaniumFrom the Latin "Germania", meaning "Germany"
33AsArsenicFrom the Greek "arsenikon", meaning "orpiment"
34SeSeleniumFrom the Greek "selene", meaning "moon"
35BrBromineFrom the Greek "bromos", meaning "dirt or stench"
36KrKryptonFrom the Greek "kryptos", meaning "hidden"
37RbRubidiumFrom the Latin "rubidus", meaning "deepest red"
38SrStrontiumFrom the Scottish "Strontian", meaning "nose of the fairy hill"
39YYttriumFrom the Swedish "Ytterby", meaning "outer village"
40ZrZirconiumFrom the Syriac/Persian "zargono", meaning "gold-like"
41NbNiobiumFrom the Greek "Niobe", meaning "snowy"
42MoMolybdenumFrom the Greek "molybdos", meaning "lead-like"
43TcTechnetiumFrom the Greek "technetos", meaning "artificial"
44RuRutheniumFrom the Latin "Ruthenia", meaning "Russia"
45RhRhodiumFrom the Greek "rhodon", meaning "rose"
46PdPalladiumFrom the Greek "Pallas", meaning "little maiden"
47AgSilverFrom the Akkadian "siolfor", meaning "to refine, smelt"
48CdCadmiumFrom the Greek/Latin "kadmeia", meaning "Cadmean earth"
49InIndiumFrom the Greek "indigo", meaning "indigo dye"
50SnTinFrom the Middle English "tin", meaning "tin"
51SbAntimonyFrom the Greek "antimonos", meaning "against aloneness"
52TeTelluriumFrom the Latin "Tellus", meaning "Earth"
53IIodineFrom the Greek "iodes", meaning "violet"
54XeXenonFrom the Greek "xenos", meaning "foreign"
55CsCesiumFrom the Latin "caesius", meaning "blue-gray"
56BaBariumFrom the Greek "barys", meaning "heavy"
57LaLanthanumFrom the Greek "lanthanein", meaning "to lie hidden"
58CeCeriumFrom the Latin "Ceres", meaning "grain, bread"
59PrPraseodymiumFrom the Greek "prasios didymos", meaning "green twin"
60NdNeodymiumFrom the Greek "neos didymos", meaning "new twin"
61PmPromethiumFrom the Greek "Prometheus", meaning "forethought"
62SmSamariumNamed after Russian" Samarsky"
63EuEuropiumFrom the Greek "Europe", meaning "broad-faced"
64GdGadoliniumNamed after chemist  "Johan Gadolin"
65TbTerbiumFrom the Swedish "Ytterby", meaning "outer village"
66DyDysprosiumFrom the Greek "dysprositos", meaning "hard to get at"
67HoHolmiumFrom the Latin "Holmia", meaning "Stockholm"
68ErErbiumFrom the Swedish "Ytterby", meaning "outer village"
69TmThuliumFrom the Greek "Thula", meaning "a mythical country"
70YbYtterbiumFrom the Swedish "Ytterby", meaning "outer village"
71LuLutertiumFrom the Latin "Lutetia", meaning "Paris"
72HfHafniumFrom the Latin "Hafnia", meaning "Copenhagen"
73TaTantalumFrom the Greek "Tantalus", meaning "Tantalus"
74WTungstenFrom the Swedish "tung sten", meaning "heavy stone"
75ReRheniumFrom the Latin "Rhenus", meaning "Rhine"
76OsOsmiumFrom the Greek "osme", meaning "a smell"
77IrIridiumFrom the Greek "ptenos", meaning "winged"
78PtPlatinumFrom the Spanish "platina (del Pinto)", meaning "little silver"
79AuGoldFrom the Anglo-Saxon "gold", meaning "to shine"
80HgMercuryFrom the Latin "Mercurius", meaning "Mercury"
81TlThalliumFrom the Greek "thallos", meaning "green twig"
82PbLeadFrom the Anglo-Saxon "lead"
83BiBismuthFrom the Modern Latin "bisemutum", meaning "white mass"
84PoPoloniumFrom the Latin "Polonia", meaning "Poland"
85AtAstatineFrom the Greek "astatos", meaning "unstable"
86RnRadonFrom the Latin "Radium"
87FrFranciumFrom the French "France", meaning "Land of the Franks"
88RaRadiumFrom the Latin "radius", meaning "ray"
89AcActiniumFrom the Greek "aktis", meaning "beam"
90ThThoriumFrom the Old Norse "Thor", meaning "thunder"
91PaProtactiniumFrom the Greek "protos + aktis", meaning "first beam element"
92UUraniumFrom the Greek "Ouranos; Uranus", meaning "sky"
93NpNeptuniumFrom the Latin "Neptunus", meaning "Neptune"
94PuPlutoniumFrom the Greek "Plouton via Pluto", meaning "god of wealth"
95AmAmericiumFrom the English "America"
96CmCuriumNamed after French "Marie and Pierre Curie"
97BkBerkeliumNamed after English "U of California, Berkeley"
98CfCaliforniumFrom the English "California"
99EsEinsteintiumNamed after German "Albert Einstein", meaning "one stone"
100FmFermiumFrom the Italian "Fermi, Enrico", meaning "fastener"
101MdMendeleviumNamed after Russian "Dimitri Mendeleyev"
102NoNobeliumNamed after "Alfred Nobel"
103LrLawrenciumNamed after "Ernest Lawrence"
104RfRutherfordiumNamed after British "Ernest Rutherford"
105DbDubniumNamed after Russian "Dubna"
106SgSeaborgiumNamed after Swedish "Glenn Seaborg", meaning "Lake Mountain"
107BhBohriumNamed after Danish "Niels Bohr"
108HsHassiumFrom the Latin "Hassia", meaning "Hessen"
109MtMeitneriumNamed after Austrian "Lise Meitner"
110DsDarmstadtiumFrom the German "Darmstadt", meaning "intestine city"
111RgRoentgeniumNamed after German "Wilhelm Rontgen"
112CnCoperniciumNamed after Polish "Nicolaus Copernicus", meaning "copper nickel"
113NhNihoniumNew official name of "element 113"
114FlFleroviumNamed after Russian "Georgy Flerov"
115McMoscoviumNew official name of "element 115"
116LvLivermoriumNamed after English "Lawrence Livermore Labs"
117TsTennessineNew official name of "element 117"
118OgOganessonNew official name of "element 118"